Environment: Windows & MacOS

Difficulty Level: ADVANCED

Command Line from Windows or macOS is a powerful tool to speed up your process when generating 360 projects.

There are two methods of using the command line with the 360 View Creator:

  1. Insert the 360 Command line(CMD) arguments on one line.
  2. Creating a .json file type and save all of your settings there.

 Follow these two methods guide in order to generate your 360 animations using the Command Line

Windows Version:

 First method:

 Navigate to your Application install folder using the cd command (change directory):

 Fig. 1 - We used the cd command to navigate to the 360Creator.exe

 Now you simply add your desired custom settings arguments in order to generate the 360 project file (see Fig 2):

 Fig. 2 - Here we added the input/output and settings arguments to generate your 360 animation project.

CMD Arguments
--input D:\YourInputDirectory --output D:\YourOutputDirectory--width 300 --height 0 --duration 5.0 --original true --title Your Title --theme black --otype 0 

The --otype argument is the output type of the 360 project file:

0 - HTML projects

1 - MP4 project with controls

2 - MP4 only

3 - GIF file

Second method:

 Create a new text document anywhere you want (Desktop, Documents, etc) and save it as profile.json. Don't save it as .txt (see Fig. 3):

  Fig. 3 - Creating a new text document and save it as profile.json.

Fig. 4 - In this .json text document we are going to create multiple profiles, as many as we want and respecting the json synthax.

Code sample below:

profile.json example
            "input": "C:\\Users\\YourUsername\\Desktop\\360Creator\\01",
            "output": "C:\\Users\\YourUsername\\Desktop\\output_360",
            "width": 600,
            "height": 400,
            "duration": 5.0,
            "original": true,
            "title": "Test 360",
            "theme": "black",
            "otype": 0,
            "play-pause_button": true,
            "zoom_button": true,
            "left-right_button": true,
            "fullscreen_button": true,
            "reverse-direction_drag": true,
            "maximum_zoom": 1.0,
            "horizontal-speed_drag": 2.0,
            "vertical-speed_drag": 5.0,
            "mouse-wheel_zoom": true,
            "on-start_rotate": true,
            "just-once_rotate": false,
            "reverse_rotate": false,
            "bounce_rotate": false
            "input": "C:\\Users\\YourUsername\\Desktop\\360Creator\\01",
            "output": "C:\\Users\\YourUsername\\Desktop\\output_02\\02",
            "width": 300,
            "height": 0,
            "duration": 10.0,
            "original": true,
            "title": "title",
            "theme": "black",
            "otype": 1,
            "play-pause_button": true,
            "zoom_button": true,
            "left-right_button": true,
            "fullscreen_button": true,
            "reverse-direction_drag": true,
            "maximum_zoom": 1.0,
            "horizontal-speed_drag": 2.0,
            "vertical-speed_drag": 5.0,
            "mouse-wheel_zoom": true,
            "on-start_rotate": true,
            "just-once_rotate": false,
            "reverse_rotate": false,
            "bounce_rotate": false


 Remember, if you want to use multiple profiles, create a new block by opening with a curly bracket "{" and separate these multiple profiles using comma "," right after the curly bracket, as you can see in Fig. 5:

 Fig. 5 - Add comma "," and then create a new profile by opening with a new curly bracket "{". Do not add "," after your last profile, if you use multiple profiles..


If you want to learn more about json language please click the link below.

Final step is to use  the --profile argument right next to your app executable (see Fig. 6):

Fig. 6 - We set the path to the json file.

The command before the executable(360Creator.exe) - start /b /wait "" - is to return the prompt shell back when the 360 process finishes. You can use it or not because these commands are optional.

Code sample
start /b /wait "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\IconaSys Inc\360ProductViewCreator\360Creator.exe" --profile C:\Users\YourUsername\Desktop\profile.json

Now you simply hit the Enter key and wait for the command process to generate your 360 animations to your selected output folder.

Go to your output folder and see your generated 360 animations.


MacOS Version:

First method:

From the Applications/Utilities folder, open up a terminal window (Terminal.app).  Navigate to your Application folder using the cd command (change directory):

If the terminal opens up on your default home folder, you need to type the following command in your macOS terminal:

Fig. 1 - We used the cd command to navigate to the Applications folder, hit ENTER key to proceed.

cd ../../Applications/

Next, type in your terminal the following command to start rendering your 360 animation project:

Fig. 2 - Inserting the 360 instruction commands to generate your 360 project, hit ENTER key to proceed.

360Creator.app/Contents/MacOS/360Creator --input /Users/dmmd/Desktop/Adidas-Shoe/ --output /Users/dmmd/Desktop/Export/ --width 300 --height 200 --duration 5.0 --original true --title Anything --theme black --otype 1

The --otype argument is the output type of the 360 project file:

0 - HTML projects

1 - MP4 project with controls

2 - MP4 only

3 - GIF file

Now we can see the that rendering process has finished:

Fig. 3 - Finalizing the 360 project to the selected output folder.

Go to your output folder and see your generated 360 animation project. Done!

Second method:

 Create a new text document anywhere you want using any text editor. For this article we used textEdit.app

 Press Command (or Cmd) ? + SPACE to open the textEdit.app (see Fig. 4)

Fig. 4 - Search for textEdit app in MacOS Spotlight Search and then hit ENTER to open the Text Editor.

 Next, we will create json profiles, as many as we want and respecting the json synthax.

Fig 5 - Save it as profile.json. Don't save it as .rtf, delete any extension after .json!

Code sample:

            "input": "/Users/YourUsername/Desktop/Adidas-Shoe",
            "output": "/Users/YourUsername/Desktop/Export",
            "width": 600,
            "height": 400,
            "duration": 5.0,
            "original": true,
            "title": "Test 360",
            "theme": "black",
            "otype": 0,
            "play-pause_button": true,
            "zoom_button": true,
            "left-right_button": true,
            "fullscreen_button": true,
            "reverse-direction_drag": true,
            "maximum_zoom": 1.0,
            "horizontal-speed_drag": 2.0,
            "vertical-speed_drag": 5.0,
            "mouse-wheel_zoom": true,
            "on-start_rotate": true,
            "just-once_rotate": false,
            "reverse_rotate": false,
            "bounce_rotate": false
            "input": "/Users/YourUsername/Desktop/Adidas-Shoe",
            "output": "/Users/YourUsername/Desktop/Export_02",
            "width": 300,
            "height": 0,
            "duration": 10.0,
            "original": true,
            "title": "title",
            "theme": "black",
            "otype": 1,
            "play-pause_button": true,
            "zoom_button": true,
            "left-right_button": true,
            "fullscreen_button": true,
            "reverse-direction_drag": true,
            "maximum_zoom": 1.0,
            "horizontal-speed_drag": 2.0,
            "vertical-speed_drag": 5.0,
            "mouse-wheel_zoom": true,
            "on-start_rotate": true,
            "just-once_rotate": false,
            "reverse_rotate": false,
            "bounce_rotate": false


 Now, the final step is to use the --profile argument right next to your app executable (see Fig. 6):

 Fig. 6 - Insert the command line profile argument and wait for the 360 project to generate to the output folder.