Iconasys has built functionality to work with PhotoMechanics Turntable. Note, this is supported in Version 2.2 of our Shutter Stream 360 Product Photography Software.

Step-by-step guide

Install turntable on Mac:

  • Unzip the PhotoMechanics plugin form download link

  • Copy the PhotoMechanics.framework to your ShutterStream frameworks folder /Applications/ShutterStream.app/Contents/Frameworks

  • No installation driver is needed for MacOS

Install turntable on Windows:

OSDownload LinkNotesRelease Date
WindowsPhotoMechanics-2.2.22488-win.zipRename the Arduino plugin ZCapture.dll so Shutter Stream will not detect it firstSeptember 8, 2016
MacPhotoMechanics-2.2.22488-mac.zipRename the Arduino plugin ZCapture.dylib so Shutter Stream will not detect it firstSeptember 8, 2016

PhotoMechanics Turntable works only with ShutterStream version 2.2, no support for previous ShutterStream 2.1 versions !

ShutterStream supports only one partner turntable, so in order to have PhotoMechanics turntable you need to rename the Arduino plugin from ZCapture(dll/dylib) to a different name