Release Highlights

Software Features:

  • Build (& deploy) Linux variant so that it no longer depends on the system libraries, we deploy the libraries, or linked in the app
  • Added driver installation bundled into the app (for mac & win), and for Linux we display an informative "how to" message
  • The completely new stand-alone turntable controller, the plug-in back-end and UI is exactly the same with the SHS-Enterprise, also almost all host back-end and UI is shared between the two apps
  • Added a true camera hardware plug-in to Iconasys turntable controller, for now only the capture image function (aka shutter release) is implemented
  • Implemented the auto-update feature


  • Show warning message if added custom angle is not correct
  • Update angles list view
  • Updated the app to 64 bits on Windows
  • Create DMG package and update the back-end FTDI library on MacOS
  • Do not sleep/wait the main thread at all, instead if pre-capture or post-capture delays are set, post the specific functions in a timer

  • No labels