When shooting multi-row 360s there are a few things to keep in mind.  The use of spherical fiducials will guarantee that you get the most realistic multi-rows. 

Step-by-step guide

Here are the recommended steps for shooting multi-row 360s:

  1. First, decide the line of rotation for your multi-row.  Imagine an imaginary rotation axis, which is the dotted line in the pictures 
    below.  The imaginary rotation line could be the diameter of the turntable (as shown in the first picture) or it can be any other
    line below or above the table (as shown in the second picture).

  2. Once the line is decided, place two spherical fiducials (yellow circles) diametrically opposite, on each end of the table.
  3. As you move the camera up, make sure you adjust its position, such that the distance from the camera to the fiducials remains
    constant, as shown in the pictures above.  
  4. Please note that as you move the camera up, you will also have to tilt the camera down, so that the fiducials in the image remain
    in the same position on the image.  This can be done using the Overlay function in Shutter Stream.